Social Wellness

Social Wellness is an important part of your whole health. Take time to break out of your fixed routine, engage with others, meet new people. Maintaining an optimal level of social wellness allows one to build healthy relationships with others. Social wellness fosters a connection with others, while contributing to one’s sense of belonging.
Participate in a group activity: Go sailing, running, bowling, or any other activity you like to do with friends. The point is to be surrounded by people and simply have a good time.
Make a new friend: To build a network, you must make a new friend. This may be tough for a few people but it really isn’t as hard as it sounds. You can easily interact with people at a gym, a coffee shop, a bookstore, etc.
Volunteer: Volunteering at a non-profit agency, the hospital, a retirement center, or any other place where you will get a chance to interact with new people will allow you the opportunity to meet new like minded people.
Positive social habits help you build support systems and stay healthier. Some tips for connecting with others can be found here.
  • Those with a social network handle stress better.
  • Around 20% of Americans feel isolated in their free time.
  • Laughter, touching, and hugging can improve health.
  • Lack of companionship can increase cholesterol levels.
  • Love and warmth from people can increase immunoglobulin levels.
The importance of a social network: Though a lot of people are introverts and prefer spending time alone, Social Wellness Month highlights why it is essential to build a social network. The more people you meet, the more likely you are to develop new hobbies and embark on journeys you never even imagined you would be a part of. You will get to hear new jokes, experiment, go to new places, get involved in new activities, etc. Most importantly, social relationships have a lasting impact on physical health!
Relationships are essential: Believe it or not, making new friends can teach you a lot and can also have a positive effect on your mind, body, and soul. Social Wellness Month highlights how relationships can benefit you and help you grow.
Remember, your network can be expanded: Don’t know how to make new friends? There is always something happening in New Mexico. Check out these opportunities

If you or someone you know need someone to talk with about emotional, mental, behavioral, suicide, grief, or substance use concerns, you can engage in immediate support by calling 855-662-7474 or texting 988

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