Attend a suicide prevention training

QPR is a proven method that can be applied to help save a life of someone experiencing thoughts and attempts of suicide.
Evidence shows that most people who are experiencing mental health, substance use, and suicide concerns do not ask for help. Suicide can touch anyone, anywhere, and at any time. But suicide is not inevitable. There is hope available for all people.
It is up to each of us to learn how to recognize the warning signs of someone that may be experiencing mental health and suicide concerns, learn how to ask people Questions with empathy and Persuade people to want to survive, understand where we can Refer people to resources to access support, and assist people in finding hope.
Question, Persuade, Refer (QPR) are three evidence based steps anyone can take to help prevent suicide. When you take the time to learn QPR, you can be a resource for someone who might be struggling. The QPR mission is to reduce suicidal behaviors and save lives by providing innovative, practical and proven suicide prevention training. The signs of mental health are all around us, we just need to learn how to recognize them. Quality education empowers all people, regardless of background, to make a positive difference in the life of people we know.
Learn to recognize the warning signs, how to intervene, and where to refer someone who may need support for their mental health concerns. If you are ready to learn QPR you can attend an online training at anytime here:

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